OBHD-BOX lets your digital display (plasma TV, digital projectors, LCD monitors, HDTV, etc) extend up to 1640ft (500m) away from the video and audio source based on HDMI standard. Our unique optical conversion technology enables noise-free and high resolution (1080p) extension up to 1640ft while compliant to HDCP. Because it uses only fiber optic cables, which does not need separate copper cable for HDCP/DDC communication. It is ideal for installers who do not want to noise from copper cables. He or she needs only fishing through small openings as the connectors are detachable from the fiber cables. It requires only 1-inch opening. OBHD Box consists of one transmitter and one receiver as a pair. A transmitter converts HDMI to fiber optic signal and a receiver convert fiber optic signal to HDMI. Fiber optic cable connects the transmitter and receiver.