LEI-522 is uses latest FPGA technology to provide the highest performance for color bar, black burst, or to flip between the two generated patterns. The color bar patterns are SMPTE for NTSC and 75% for PAL. There are two pairs of independently selectable outputs. The timing range is infinite for each output pair for both vertical and horizontal. It may be set-up for alternating between black burst and color bar. The purpose is to confirm frame synchronizer freeze for remote satellite set-up.
Rotary encoder
10 bit processing
SD SDI blackburst
Infinite vertical timing
Infinite horizontal timing
8-charactor LED readout
SD SDI SMPTE color bars
Inactive looping reference
Stand alone or genlockable
Flip between black and color bar
Two pairs of independent outputs
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Operating Temperature (Maximum):
122 F
Operating Temperature (Minimum):
32 F
1 in
5.50 in
Product Weight:
2.25 lbs
Serial Digital Output Format:
270Mbps component per SMPTE 259M-1993
Serial Digital Output Connectors:
Serial Digital Output Impedance:
75 ohms
Number of Reference Input:
1 NTSC or PAL Black burst