Content creators and providers today must have expansive infrastructure to handle all of the different signal types feeding into their facilities - especially with the transition to IP, many facilities today operate in a hybrid environment. Ingested content entering the workflow needs to be processed and ready to output for a variety of platforms and formats, which traditionally necessitates separate video processors, gateways, encoders, decoders, transcoders, up/down/cross converters and IPTV encoders. Evertz' 570iTXE offers facilities the flexibility to take anything in and send anything out by providing a single point of entry for all compressed and uncompressed signals, which eliminates the need for bulky workflows. This makes 570iTXE the ideal solution for hybrid broadcast facilities and broadcasters looking to transition to IP. The 570iTXE will act as the front edge of signal/content acquisition. The iTXE will create multiple transcoded versions ("tracks") of each signal which can be routed, recorded, edited and played out from other downstream products. The 570iTXE provides incredible versatility, for example, if low latency is required the downstream device can use the J2K (or even ASPEN/SMPTE ST 2110) track, or the AVCI-100 track if editing is required. If basic in-house monitoring or rough cut editing via an external device is needed, low bitrate H.264 can be used. This offers incredible flexibility to live production workflows.