The key to harnessing the powerful potential of an AXYS® speaker system is the dedicated WinControl software a highly developed, yet intuitive environment through which the system designer can access and set all functions and parameters. WinControl has been developed for use with AXYS® Intellivox, as well as Target, G2 products (Source and Scope ranges), the PB series of amplifiers and the recently released AXYS® Octadrive DSP – a high performance line driver that can be used to interface between 3rd-party systems and AXYS® products. This enables WinControl to provide system-wide status monitoring, even across products from different manufacturers. As the name implies, the WinControl software runs on most varieties of Windows® OS on a standard PC. Communication is via RS-485, with the settings stored in non-volatile memory in the Intellivox units themselves, meaning the PC can be removed at the end of the process.
- Volume control
- Eight band parametric EQ
- Delay, up to 20 seconds
- AVC functions (Intellivox only)
- Surveillance related parameters
- Level Control
- Delay, up to 10 seconds
- Four band parametric EQ
- Pilot tone detection