Integrated 2D and 3D title animation software. From innovative lower thirds to silky-smooth credit rolls and trendy type-on animations, remains the gold standard for title animation across platforms and video editing software applications. Achieve one-of-a-kind effects with built-in text paths, jitter, or randomization. Expand in 3D with powerful and realistic 3D extrusions complete with reflections, bump maps, and lights or wrap your text around a 3D sphere. Create your own unique looks or draw from a vast library of presets and styles.
EPS import and extrusion
Resolution independent vector text
Advanced type-on title animation
Text on a path
Utomated Rolls, Crawls, Fades, Zooms
16 bit color (host dependant)
35 filter effects including several fec filters
Support for 3rd party AE plug-in filters
3D shapes such as cylinders, spheres and cubes
3D user modifiable spline primitive shapes
3D text with textures, reflection mapping, materials and lights
2D and 3D chart generator with import feature
Gradient generator
Audio import with scrubbable waveform
Vector paint system
Hardware accelerated open GL previews
Library browser with hundreds of preset animations