Rail-to-rail output voltage feedback amplifiers offering ease of use and low cost. They have a bandwidth and slew rate typically found in current feedback amplifiers. All have a wide input common-mode voltage range and output voltage swing, making them easy to use on single supplies as low as 2.7 V. Despite being low cost they provide excellent overall performance. For video applications, their differential gain and phase errors are 0.01% and 0.04° into a 150 Ohm load, along with 0.1 dB flatness out to 30 MHz. Addi-tionally, they offer wide bandwidth to 300 MHz along with 650 V/microsecond slew rate.
Low cost
High speed - Please see data sheet for additional information.
Low offset voltage: 6 mV
High speed - Please see data sheet for additional information.
Operates on 2.7 V to 8 V supplies
Input voltage range = -0.2 V to +3.2 V with VS = 5 V
Excellent video specifications (RL = 150 Ohm , G = 2) - Please see data sheet for additional information.