The full-scale voltage output is determined by the external reference input voltage applied. The rail-to-rail REFIN to DACOUT allows a full-scale voltage equal to the positive supply VDD or any value in between. The voltage outputs are capable of sourcing 5 mA.
A data latch load of 12 bits with a 45 ns write time eliminates wait states when interfacing to the fastest processors. Addition-ally, an asynchronous RS input sets the output to a zero scale at power-on or upon user demand.
Both parts are offered with similar pinouts, which allows users to select the amount of resolution appropriate for their applications without changing the circuit card.
The AD7392/AD7393 are specified for operation over the extended industrial temperature range of ?40°C to +85°C. The AD7393AR is specified for the automotive temperature range of ?40°C to +125°C. The AD7392/AD7393 are available in 20-lead PDIP and 20-lead SOIC packages.
For serial data input, 8-lead packaged versions, see the AD7390 and AD7391.